Shop Owner Paying Just a Quarter of What He Used to on High Bay Lighting
"There are no words to explain the difference we have experienced in our shop!"

Robert Iannucci from Pine Top Arizona recently replaced thirty 250W metal halide fixtures in his shop with twenty 100W LED UFO High Bays from ELEDLIGHTS. In other words, he went from 7500 Watts of installed lighting to just 2000 Watt—an amazing 73% decrease in power consumption—and he's thrilled about it.
"The light is EVERYWHERE! The coverage is fantastic and it is a pleasure to turn on a switch and have FULL lighting! Before we would turn on switch and wait 10 minutes to see if we could start work, and if it was below 20 might be 20-plus minutes." Iannucci chose 5000K color temperature for his new LED UFO high bay lights, which he feels outputs a natural light that's perfect for his shop.
Along with the novelty of instant-on lights at his shop and having his lighting bill slashed to just 25% of what he's used to, Iannucci is going to not having to re-lamp thirty fixtures every year. offers LED High Bays suitable to just about any high ceiling lighting application you can imagine. And our selection of LED UFO high bay lights has only gotten brighter and more efficient since we first posted this article in 2017.
If you need assistance as to which and how many fixtures you should select, just click Contact Us on our website—our lighting team has aided numerous high bay lighting projects over the years and is ready to help!