ELEDLights Gives Back!
While in Las Vegas for the IFA Expo, some of the members of the ELEDLights team took the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students at Richard J. Rundle Elementary School. Working with the IFA Foundation in collaboration with the Roark Capital Group and the Romaniello Family Foundation, we were proud to take part in the 2019 Franchising Gives Back Volunteer Day of Service! Our goal was to provide the students at Richard J. Rundle with a fun, safe, and inviting environment to learn and grow.Many of the students at Richard J. Rundle Elementary are in dire need of assistance and our family at ELEDLights was more than happy to lend a helping hand. Many of the students at Richard J. Rundle are involved in its free lunch program and a number of them don’t have homes to return to after the school day let out. Our dedicated staff was more than happy to do anything they could to make these students’ days just a little easier.

Justin in West Coast sales helps out with the painting work.
At the school, team members Kyle Mann (Vice President), Diandra Negron (East Coast Sales), and Justin Cunningham (West Coast Sales) took part in a variety of activities to make the daily lives of the school's students a little bit brighter. Some of the activities our staff took part in included planting gardens and garden pathways, building and assembling picnic tables, painting classrooms and garden sheds, and putting together appreciation gifts for the hardworking teachers at the school. Working alongside some of our fellow conference attendees, this volunteering experience was an auspicious start to the 2019 IFA show. Additionally, the Franchising Gives Back program, in association with the IFA Foundation, made a generous donation to the school in order to assist with ongoing improvements.

Here's Justin again, sweeping up the parking lot.
Providing our customers with high-quality, energy-efficient LED lighting may be our primary focus, but our staff will always cherish these great opportunities to give back. Spending our Saturday lending a hand to a local school was a great, rewarding way to kick off what is sure to be an exciting and productive IFA convention.

Diandra from our East Coast office lends a hand with the painting as well.
At ELEDLights, we take pride in what we can offer both our customers and our community. If you’re interested in learning more about some of our other projects, or about how brand new LED lighting can help you save on your monthly energy bills, please feel free to reach out to us today.