Replacing Recessed CFLs with LED Corn Lights Saves a Lot of Future Labor

Robert Wagner recently lit up services at New Jersey's Congregation AABJ&D by installing 12 of our 54W LED corn lights in recessed can fixtures that had previously held CFL bulbs.
Robert had been searching for a less expensive, more energy efficient, and—especially—longer-lasting lighting upgrade from the CFLs. On that last point, we were able to spec out corn lights for him that have a rated average operating life of 50,000 hours: more than six times longer than that of CFLs.
"Your lamps met our pricing requirements, in addition to giving us the color rendition and temperature we were looking for," Robert told us after the install. "The labor savings alone will have a big impact on our budget. We expect to re-lamp all of our CFLs and incandescent fixtures with LEDs."
Our LED Corn lights, available to replace CFLs, metal halide, and high pressure sodium lamps, output 360 degrees of bright illumination, ranging from 7,400 to 17,400 lumens, the equivalent of 175W to 400W bulbs but running at wattages of only 54W to 150W). Corn lights consume roughly 1/3rd of the energy of a standard bulb, significantly reducing the operating cost of your lighting while significantly extending the time between bulb replacements.
These vibrant bulbs are perfect for use in any low bay, or high bay fixture that accepts E26 or E39 screw-in bulbs. We are the #1 replacer for Metal Halides. ELEDLights corn lights come in standard LED, flat, and high lumen with extreme efficiency and advanced heat dispersion.
We can help you be as pleased as Robert—visit our LED Corn Lights department to find the best replacements for your metal halide lamps.