Tough Lights for Tough Locations
From explosive gases to corrosive salt and more, no location is too tough for our lights. On this page you'll find a solution for every "tough" application—including when you just need to be able to hose your lighting down on a regular basis. Check the sections below for Explosion Proof, Harsh and Hazardous Location, Vapor Tight, and NSF-Certified Washdown Lights.
Explosion Proof Lights
Specialty LED lighting designed for locations where explosive gas atmospheres or combustible dust may occur.
Harsh & Hazardous Location Lighting
Water, corrosion, and dust-resistant "tri proof" lighting for power plants, heavy industrial storage facilities, paper mills, wastewater treatment, loading docks, shipyards, chemical processing facilities, petrochemical processing facilities, and more.
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
Saves $/yr in Energy Costs
See how much you would save in energy
costs by allowing access to your location.
Vapor Tight Lighting Options
For wet, damp, or dusty locations where risk of explosion is not a concern. Great for car washes, parking garages, commercial laundries, subways, walk-in freezers, barns, and more.
NSF-Certified Washdown Lights
These lights are certified for use around food processing and preparation, but most of them also have the benefit of being easy to wash down, making them ideal for messy locations.
Our hazardous location lighting experts are ready to assist. Reach out today.
Call 215.355.7200 or Text 267.266.8330