May 2024 — ELEDLights has launched an Easy Rebates website, a convenient platform exclusively for businesses in the PECO service area. This new site makes it easy and affordable for businesses to upgrade to energy-efficient LED lighting using PECO Instant Discounts.
As of June 1, 2023, PECO Ways to Save has added solar to its list of options eligible for custom rebates. Businesses that invest in new solar system installations can capture incentives of $0.10 per kWh saved. This is a great savings opportunity for businesses in the Greater Philadelphia area, especially as the cost of electricity continues to rise.
Effective June 1st, PECO (a major energy company in southeastern Pennsylvania) has implemented a 3% electric rate increase for commercial customers. The good news is, PECO is also offering amazing financial incentives for commercial customers switching to solar and LED lighting – which will greatly reduce the impact of these higher electric rates.
Villa Maria Academy Lower School, a private Catholic elementary school located in Malvern, PA, recently saved thousands when upgrading their lighting. Instant lighting rebates the school received amounted to $27 per 2X2 LED strip kit and $33 per 2X4 LED strip kit. The result was 92% in project cost savings! Keep reading to learn more.
Unlock substantial savings on your lighting upgrade! Discover the secrets to applying for business lighting rebates and start reaping the financial benefits today.
The 10th & South Streets Parking Garage, located in the heart of Philadelphia, had outdated lighting that resulted in dimly lit areas and potential hazards for patrons. With the help of the ELEDLights team, SP Plus was recently able to upgrade the garage's old lighting to efficient LED canopy lights, and the results have been impressive. Just take a look at the before and after photos!
Are you looking to save on your business's energy bills? LED lighting might be the solution for you! In this article, you'll learn about the incentives available to businesses for upgrading to energy-efficient lighting systems, and why there's no good reason to put off the upgrade.
ELEDLights strives to make every step of our customers' lighting projects easier. That's why we are excited to announce a new instant rebate finder feature on our website. Learn how it works & how it can help your company save money on new lighting.
Here's how to upgrade your car dealership's lighting (and overhaul your energy bill) using ELEDLights & PECO Ways to Save. Reduce energy costs, improve your dealership's look and feel, and do it all for less than you'd expect with incentives available from your utility company.
Did you know that you can get rebates for taking out old light fixtures in addition to adding new ones? Through PECO (the energy company serving customers in southeastern PA), you can get money back for every watt you reduce by replacing inefficient lighting. Recently, we helped a local car dealership receive nearly 50K in rebates just for removing their old fixtures! Read on to find out more about this great deal.
ELEDLights is now partnered with a new instant rebate program in the Pacific Northwest! The program, PNW Lighting Rebates To Go, covers all customers in the Puget Sound Energy, Seattle City Light, and Snohomish County Public Utility District utility areas. Best of all? The rebates available can cover up to 99% of your replacement fixture costs!
Costs seem to be going up everywhere, and energy bills are no exception. Pennsylvania Electric Company (PECO) recently announced that they will be rolling out an 11% increase in their energy rates. National Grid (energy provider in NY, MA, RI, VT, and NH) has also announced a series of incoming cost hikes. They likely won’t be the only ones passing on rising costs to consumers, so what can you do to reduce your overhead?
There have recently been some changes to the eligibility requirements for DesignLights Consortium qualified products, which could impact your next lighting project. If you plan to offset your upcoming or recent purchase of LED lights with energy efficiency rebates through your utility provider, here is what you need to know.
Lighting rebates have been around since the 80s, yet many people still have some long-held, misplaced beliefs about these incentives. Here, we'll shed some light on some of the most common misconceptions.
As LED technology continues to advance, and the availability of smart control options has increased in the marketplace, the Design Lights Consortium has worked with lighting manufacturers to establish new DLC rules. We break some of the latest down & tell you what it means for you in this blog post.
Energy efficiency rebates can significantly lower your upfront expenses. Approved rebates could cover up to 100% of your lighting purchase! While energy rebates can seem complicated at first, we are always here to help.